Original Story: The San Diego Union Tribune
Public comment: “Vista’s Arts District existed only in name before this building. A model housing project in a city that needs more urban infill housing. A visionary project that required a visionary developer. Well done. Inspiring design and vision.

The art incorporated into the building is amazing and the attention to detail and quality are easily noticed, great addition to SoCal. Refreshingly creative. Love this development. The architecture is amazing, the mural is stunning. It is revitalizing that part of Vista. I hope to see more from Tideline Partners.”

516 S Santa Fe Ave, Vista. Owner/developer: Tideline Partners. Architect/designer: Stephen Dalton.
Founded in 1978, The San Diego Architectural Foundation (SDAF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the education and promotion of outstanding architecture, landscape, interior, and urban design to improve the quality of life for all San Diegans. We do this by curating exceptional events throughout the year that is open to both the design industry and the public at large. We explore how the issues impact our growing region, like the design of our homes, workplaces, schools, and communities, as well as our health and well-being. Our goal is to inspire all San Diegans to discover the value of thoughtful design in the natural and built environment and the effect it has on the quality of our lives.
To read the full article visit: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2022-10-18/here-is-san-diegos-best-and-worst-architecture-in-2022